Rev. Fr. Darsi Jeeva Kumar (1974 - 2021)

First, I want to thank you for visiting my website. With my website I want to offer information to you, the donors and everyone else who is interested, about my ongoing relief projects for India.
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me."
- Matthew 25,40
In our latitudes most of the people - compared to India - are doing very well. We can afford very much, thereof lots of unnecessary goods, while most of the people in India only have the bare minimum. Originally I was able to experience this through letters and phone conversations exchanged with ministers I supported in India, later also through visiting the people in India myself. Ever since I visited the people in India my efforts have intensified. I was able to experience first hand how greatful people can be for even the smallest of things and can be made so happy with it.
But even more important is them knowing that there are people, somewhere else, thinking of them and caring about them. Their eyes sparkle even stronger and more intense than our own children looking at a manger or the lit up christmas tree. For me these were and still are the greatest and most precious gifts. Those are gifts, nobody can ever take away from me and gifts that do not need a safe or other protection. Those gifts live on within me and that is wonderful.
I was also able to observe reactions of other donors. These reactions also encouraged me to keep going. For all this I want to thank all the previous donors and the donors to come from the bottom of my heart and may their donations and help be repaid a thousandfold.
Norbert Loacker